Accepting patients without insurance or covered by Medicaid

HOPE Initiative

                         HOPE Line at (540) 339-9010, option 3                      

The HOPE Initiative is designed to assist individuals battling Substance Use Disorders (SUD) in any form (opiates, meth, marijuana, alcohol, etc.), seeking addiction treatment and recovery resources. Our Certified Peer Recovery Specialists (CPRS) will inform the individual or family members of resources for treatment and recovery programs and assist in navigating the application process. The HOPE Initiative also works closely with many community partner agencies. It informs the community about the severity of the Opioid and Addiction Crisis confronting the Roanoke Valley.

In 2016, the Roanoke Police Department initiated the idea for this program, knowing that we couldn’t arrest our way out of this Crisis. The HOPE Initiative is a collaborative effort between law enforcement, healthcare systems, treatment, recovery agencies, and safety net organizations throughout the community. Together we can do what we could never do alone. The HOPE Initiative is a program of Bradley Free Clinic’s Behavioral Health Department program. It is a safety net in the community providing information, resources, support, and hope in a non-judgmental environment where individuals can begin to build their foundation of recovery. 

When an individual or family member contacts the HOPE Initiative, they can expect to meet with one of our three CPRS’s who are compassionate, nonjudgmental, and have walked in their shoes. The participant will complete the brief interview process, then they will be presented with options from our Directory of Resources.  The available options may be in the Roanoke Valley, elsewhere in the State, or along the east coast  The potential options may be one of the following:

  • Detoxification/Stabilization Programs
  • Inpatient Treatment Programs
    • Short Term (30 Days – 90 Days)
    • Long Term (90 Days – 2 years+)
  • Intensive Outpatient Programs
  • Medication Assisted Treatment
  • Mental Health Services
  • Aftercare/Support Groups
  • Recovery Residences
  • Employment

Once the participant selects the option they feel best meets their needs, we assist them with the application and admissions process, making phone calls, sending emails and faxes, scheduling assessments, etc.  In all ways, our CPRS are here to light the way on the path to recovery.

Ongoing community efforts are being made to increase accessible resources that cover the full spectrum of the necessary continuum of care. Our Directory of Resources is constantly growing and changing. It includes options for those without insurance and those with Medicaid, Medicare, or private insurance. The programs for those without insurance are available at minimal or no cost. Our primary objective is to assist participants in navigating the healthcare system and hopefully eliminate any barriers that may prevent someone from getting the treatment they so desperately need. 

We provide free REVIVE! training that educates individuals on administering Naloxone (Narcan), the overdose reversal drug. After completing the training, each individual will receive two doses of Narcan and a card in their name to access free refills from the Health Department. Please call to schedule your appointment for REVIVE! training.

The HOPE Initiative Scholarship Fund offers financial support in the form of scholarships on a case-by-case basis for HOPE participants. These scholarships provide assistance with minor admission costs, transportation, recovery housing, and other potential barriers to successful recovery. To donate please use the link below.

Our ultimate goal is for individuals with the disease of addiction to know 
    there is a way out and we can help light the way.

Contact Wendy Dudley, Behavioral Health Program Manager, or call 540-339-9010 x135